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Did you know the City of Kalamazoo has a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system?
The City of Kalamazoo Water Reclamation Plant (KWRP) provides treatment services to more than 150,000 residents in 22 municipal jurisdictions.
All citizens of Kalamazoo County rely upon groundwater for their drinking water.
Are you concerned about the drinking water in Kalamazoo?
Properly dispose of household chemicals to protect our water.
More on how you can help!
Your Water. Your Health. Your Community.
We're one of the top Kalamazoo, MI water resources
At City of Kalamazoo - Protect Your Water, we believe clean water is a right for every resident of Kalamazoo, MI. Water resources should be readily available for every community member who cares about the water they use to cook, bathe and drink. Our goal is to educate the community about their groundwater and how they can take a role in protecting their water. We also want to help communities create plans to prevent groundwater contamination.
Explore the various links on our page to access different Kalamazoo, MI water resources. Contact us today at (269) 337-8583 to get more information about your groundwater.
What can you find on our website?
Look no further for Kalamazoo water resources. On our website, you'll find...
- A list of Kalamazoo water facts that will keep you educated about your water
- Tips on ways you can reduce your water waste and keep your groundwater clean
- Articles about how your city plans to get rid of water contaminants
Be an educated member of the Kalamazoo community! Use our resources to stay in the loop about your city's water.
About Protect Your Water / Wellhead Protection
Learn about our purpose, objectives and how we benefit the community.
Call with any questions at (269) 337-8583
Kalamazoo Water Facts
Get educated about your water with our Kalamazoo water facts.
Groundwater Quality Issues
Stay informed about lead, copper and iron in your groundwater.
Ways to Conserve Water
Find out how you can reduce your water bill and water waste.

Know More About Your Water in Kalamazoo, MI
Check out our Kalamazoo water resources today
Groundwater Foundation
The Groundwater Guardian Program is an international program sponsored by the Groundwater Foundation that supports, recognizes and connects communities working to protect groundwater. It is designed to empower local citizens and motivate communities to take voluntary steps toward protecting their groundwater resources. Through Groundwater Guardian, communities bring business, government, educators and citizens together to work on the common goal of groundwater protection.
The City of Kalamazoo has been designated a Groundwater Guardian Community every year since 1998. To receive this recognition, the City of Kalamazoo has demonstrated a continuing effort in groundwater protection by sharing its expertise and generating local solutions to effectively address local groundwater protection priorities.
To learn more visit the Groundwater Foundation website or give us a call at (269) 337-8583.
All citizens of Kalamazoo County rely upon groundwater for their drinking water. Whether or not your home is connected to a municipal water supply or to a smaller well located on your property, you are drinking and otherwise using groundwater.
Stormwater is water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water seeps into the ground or drains into storm sewers through catch basins or inlets. The draining water is called stormwater runoff and is a concern to us since it can wash oil, grease, toxics, pathogens, sediment and other pollutants into storm sewers.
Protect Your Water runs radio ads and movie ads to educate those in the area and inspire action.
About Protect Your Water
Protect Your Water is provided by the City of Kalamazoo to educate, motivate and provide water resources to area residents and anyone interested in protecting drinking water sources and/or improving surface water quality. Learn more about groundwater and stormwater as well as getting a understanding of Kalamazoo water facts.
We invite our professionals to review the groundwater regulations and stormwater regulations as well as the CCR Report.
Interested in educational resources for youth? Check our the games and tools in our Kids Corner!
Protect Your Water has the details to keep you informed about PFAS. Call us for help with anything you need at (269) 337-8583!