Use fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides wisely. Also, seek alternative uses to chemicals by carefully selecting native plants which don't need a lot of water, pesticides or herbicides.
-Henry the Water Drop

Henry Says
The City of Kalamazoo - Protect Your Water presents the following information on its annual Water Quality Report or Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).
The City of Kalamazoo's water system, like all public water systems in Kalamazoo County, uses groundwater to supply their customers with water. From pumping and treatment to storage and delivery to homes and businesses, the safety and quality of the water provided is a priority for the City of Kalamazoo.
In 1996, Congress amended the Safe Drinking Water Act requiring all community water systems that have at least 15 service connections serving year round residents to prepare and distribute a brief Water Quality Report known as a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to customers. The CCR includes information on source water, the levels of any detected contaminants, compliance with drinking water rules and educational material. This report must reach customers by July 1 of every year.
Get Involved!
ways to conserve water
You can help keep Kalamazoo's water clean! Some tactics include using your property wisely, disposing of hazardous products properly, conserving water, and more. Learn about proper disposal and ways to conserve water.