Call the Kalamazoo County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center at (269) 373-5211 to find out how to properly dispose of your hazardous household products (used motor oil, paint, cleaning solvents, anti-freeze, pesticides, herbicides, etc.) for free.
-Henry the Water Drop

Henry Says
Protect Your Water uses a variety of media to bring message to you! Currently you can find our messages in movie theaters, on YouTube and on the radio.
Radio Ads/Public Service Announcements
Movie Theater Ads/Videos
Movie Theater Ads/Videos
Groundwater protection ads are now running as part of the pre-movie trailers at Celebration Cinema Theatre at Crossroads, AMC Portage Street 10 - Kalamazoo and at Kalamazoo 10 Theatre in Kalamazoo .
The ads cover such topics as the fact that groundwater is the source of drinking water in our county, groundwater properties, the need for groundwater protection, the proper disposal of hazardous household products to prevent groundwater contamination and the proper management of activities on our property to prevent pollution from entering city storm sewers and ultimately polluting creeks, streams, rivers and lakes. This on-going project has been primarily funded by multiple grants from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE; formerly known as the Department of Environmental Quality or DEQ Wellhead Protection Program.
KRESA Contest Videos
Protect Your Water Movie Theater Video Ad Contest Winners
Protect Your Water worked with students from Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA) to develop a contest to create the best movie theater ad videos relating to water usage. Here are the contest winners.