Don't let the hose run while washing your car. Use a bucket and a hose with a shut-off nozzle. Doing this could save 150 gallons of water!
-Henry the Water Drop

Henry Says
In 2004, the City of Kalamazoo adopted Chapter 29 (Ordinance 1776) "Stormwater System." This Ordinance was primarily written to address the Illicit Discharge Elimination Program (IDEP), a requirement of its Phase II Stormwater Program NPDES Permit. In 2008, some Amendments were made to address floodplain issues. View the Ordinance.
In 2007, the City adopted Ordinance 1886 "Performance Standards for Groundwater Protection Within Wellhead Protection Capture Zones and Stormwater Quality Management." These standards provide specific requirements for best management practices to prevent drinking water (groundwater) contamination and pollutants from entering the stormwater collection system (MS4) and eventually into the "waters of the State."
Download the Performance Standards - 2022. (PDF).
For Site Plan Review applicants download worksheets for Site Discharge Calculations and Calculations for Stormwater Runoff Volume Controls.
The Performance Standards directly relate to Ordinance 1775 "Wellhead Protection Zoning Overlay" which can be viewed by following the link Wellhead Ordinance (PDF).
Regarding Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, review Ordinance 1790 (Chapter 30) "Soil Erosion and Sedimentation." The purpose of this Ordinance is to control soil erosion and sedimentation with respect to earth change activities within the City, by requiring proper provision for water disposal and protection of soil surfaces during and after construction, in order to promote the safety, public health and general welfare of the City, as well as to limit the exposed area of any disturbed land for the shortest possible period of time.
Protect Your Water has the following to assist you in educating yourself and others about groundwater and stormwater:
CCR report